MY TRAVELOGUE : Ocean Breeze



  Sicogon is an Island in northern IloIlo, which is part of the municipality of Carles, Iloilo, Philippines . A place that i enjoy going to is the beach. It is seen as a place of relaxation because it is normally quiet and peaceful there. To look around you and see the beauty of mother nature at it's finest. Not only for the beauty and relaxation but for the sheer entertainment. That is the two reasons i enjoy it as much as i do. 

     I go to the beach together with my family to get away the troubles that are bothering me. To feel the grainy sand all under my toes. To sit there under the sun feeling warmth of it beating down on my skin. Also to lay on a float in the ocean and just feel the ocean as you are part of it. Not only to feel but to hear the waves is the ultimates relaxation. 

     The feeling and to see a beautiful and perfect place to relax and unwind. We arrive at the beach, where also many tourists were enjoying the view of it. While enjoying the beach, my skin is so tanned, causing sunburn. But i enjoy taking pictures of shells, and see the beautiful beach that i love. 

     Also at night, the beach  was so peaceful and quiet. I went to the cottage together with my family, talking them had some drinks that also made me comfortable. Especially the struggles while we are sleeping its so hard because we do not fit in the cottage to sleep. The cold wind made my body so cold.

     In next morning i really love the view of course the sunrise there, While we are eating and talking we also have fun of taking pictures . Being relaxed and just soaking up the environment around me.


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