This issue comes up throughout my entire life. I feel like I started to have my first encounters with these so called snakes as early.  To give you a little taste of the ways these people act, these are the kind of people that, come up to you at school and act like your " Best friend" and are over the moon to be around you and just talk to you. But don't be fooled because as soon as someone else comes along a different or pretend like they don't know you period. Now honestly I've had it up to the ceiling with these people. I'm so sick of being lied to, thrown under the bus or dragged into the drama that doesn't even involve me. My favorite, I like to call it the icing on top of the cake, is when people you don't know or rarely talk to make up lies, stories or rumors and spread them around. 

          A false friend is somebody who will just be with us their own benefits . They sick to us as long as we serve their purposes. A fake friend, is somebody who will share a good relationship with us when we are useful to them and abundant us when we are in trouble. They are mean, insincere and are more likely to betray us. 

          They never put any effort in the friendship but they will expect people to call, invite, or visit them without giving the same effort. They will say in public that "you are their friends" but their actions reveal something else. Sometimes they are judgemental , they will criticized us. 

          Instead of encouraging me in my study they will discourage. They will not found happiness in your happiness , they envy you. And they will encourage us adopted they negatives attitudes and do harmful things such as smoking and drinking alcohol. unsuccessful They are more interested in others businesses than their own business. They talk me, make themselves trustable and then talk about us behind our back. They fake promises. But, as soon as that fake friend gets out of that person's presence, he or she has told other people about their business. and they are acting like im his friend but totally not why? because he is consider that i am his friend when he needs something to me or when he wants something. They are so fake.


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